(Established by an Act of Parliament, 2009) Neelakudi Campus,
Thiruvarur - 610 101
Recruitment of Non-Teaching Positions (Regular Basis)
Employment Notice No: CUTN/ NT / 01/ 2016
Posts & Vacancies:
1. Semi Professional
Assistant (Library)
- Vacancy: 01 (UR)
- Scale of Pay: Rs. 5200-20200+GP.Rs. 2800
2. Library Assistant
- Vacancy: 01 (OBC)
- Rs. 5200-20200+GP.Rs. 2000
3. Library Attendant
- Vacancy: 04 (UR-3), (OBC-1)
- Rs. 5200-20200+GP.Rs. 1800
Important Dates:
Opening Date of Online Application: 13.06.2016
Closing Date of Online Application: 15.07.2016
Last date for receipt of Printed Application: 30.07.2016
Useful Links: