Walk in Interview for recruitment to the post(s) of Senior Residents, Junior Residents/Tutor/Demonstrators on ad-hoc basisat AIIMS Patna is scheduled as under:
Advt.No. AIIMS/Pat/SR-02/2016
Posts and Walk-in dates:
- Radio-diagnosis - 01.03.2016
- Physiology - 02.03.2016
- General Medicine - 03.03.2016
- Anaesthesiology - 04.03.2016
- Orthopaedics - 05.03.2016
- E.N.T - 07.03.2016
- Transfusion Medicine - 08.03.2016
- Ophthalmology - 09.03.2016
- Obstetrics & Gynaecology - 10.03.2016
- Community & Family Medicine - 11.03.2016
- Anatomy - 12.03.2016
- Radiotherapy - 13.03.2016
- Biochemistry -15.03.2016
- General Surgery - 16.03.2016
- Pathology / Lab Med - 17.03.2016
For more details just click here: http://www.aiimspatna.org/news/srwalkin09022016.pdf